Sunday, April 29, 2012

I love Southern California

I love my little So-Cal city.  Life here is so chill.  I took a walk to the beach Friday afternoon and took some pics to share with you.  I'm up to my eyeballs in work these days, deadlines etc.   So taking a nice walk to unwind in the evening is the just what I need to stay present and clear my mind.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Freedom Friday -- Take A Walk

It's quitting time.  I'll work over the weekend but for now, I'm off to take a walk.  I love my little So-Cal city.  It's so pretty and laid back.  I think I'll stroll to the beach, have a look around and maybe take some pics that I can post for you later. 

To me freedom means time for leisure.  Time of my own, to just be.


Thursday, April 26, 2012

So much...

A lot has been going on with me lately.  Lots of work, deadlines and I continue to get frustrated with how slow my progress seems to be.  I definitely thought I'd be a lot further in life than I am.  Heck, at the beginning of the week I thought I'd be a lot further with my work than I am today.  I'm hard on myself, beat myself up and then I feel like giving up...

And then I remind myself of this:

And then I take a break, go browse around Target, buy some wine from Trader Joe's.

Then I open my laptop and continue my work.  I continue perfecting my passion.  And it feels good.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Quiet modern. Clean Style.

My two favorite design styles are Scandinavian design and modern design.  I differentiate them between them because although they share many elements they are not the same.  They're both clean and calming and that's what I like about them.

I don't know about you but I can look at interior design photos all day.  This is a gorgeous modern house in Miami, designed by Dkor Interiors

Friday, April 20, 2012

Freedom Friday

A series of images depicting what freedom can mean.  Freedom for me is being healthy, happy and loved.  Freedom for me means letting go.
Via deviantart
Via 555
Via eurodroid

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Can You Miss Your Calling?

finding your calling
Via tomjd
Sometimes I wonder if it's possible to miss your calling.


I spend most of my time working at something that doesn't come easily for me.  There were other things in life that I was better at doing, but I didn't love them.  And now, I'm developing slowly, not fast enough for my liking.  And most days I'm fine with that.  But some days, I'm not. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Never too busy for quiet style...

I've been pretty busy lately and haven't made the time to post much, but this week I have some great posts planned.   Please stay tuned.  And I'm happy that my career writing is moving forward steadily so I shouldn't complain.  Anyway, I'm never too busy to drool over some gorgeous photos from photographer Jordi Canosa.

The quiet life with style looks like this:

sitting by the lake

This is my dream life!  Can I just lay here with a book?  I can write here too.   Eat, drink, sleep.  I could do everything right here on this beautiful covered bench.  I'm all about relaxing.  I work hard but I refuse to stress.  Relaxing and quieting my mind.  That's my thing.  And this would be a perfect place to exist.

relax in the country

interior design Italy

I love the style of these chairs. I actually have similar ones from Target in my dining room.

This is a house in beautiful Italy.  All photos by Jordi Canosa.  Styled by Daniela Cavestany.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


I've discovered a new photographer that I absolutely love.  Her name is Pia Ulin and here are some of her photos that speak to me.  Can you guess why?

I love emptiness.  Maybe because of my appreciation for Taoist ideas which view emptiness as liberating.  These photos are lovely. 

The still mind of the sage is the mirror of heaven and earth, the glass of all things. Vacancy, stillness, placidity, tastelessness, quietude, silence, and non-action - this is the Level of heaven and earth, and the perfection of the Tao and its characteristics.  - Chuang-tzu

Friday, April 6, 2012

Freedom Friday

This beautiful image comes from photographer Nihaal Faizal who works in South India.  Powerful.

Via Nihaal Faizal